B2B account without VAT
All prices on the site are inclusive of VAT of 22% as required by Italian tax law.
If you have a company and want to buy goods to be shipped outside Italy in vat exemption you can see the following procedure.
If your company is based in Europe you must have a valid European VAT number, which must pass VIES validation:
If you are based outside the EU, you are always entitled to VAT exemption.
1) you must register here:
Fill in at least the fields highlighted in yellow, then click on save.
2) Then click on the top right on Account and on your name to enter the reserved area.
3) Click on Add first address to enter the billing address
4) Enter in the VAT field your VAT number valid for VIES purposes, complete with the prefix of the ISO code of the country.
Once you have saved, the system automatically checks the VIES website and if your European VAT number is valid, it applies the prices without VAT.
You realize this because the label Tax Excluded is indicated under the price of the items.